18 Year Old Son Relapses on Drugs After Dating a Stripper
by sue
My 18 year old son has relapsed by snorting bath salts or synthetic cocaine. They are legally sold in smoke shops but are worse than meth. Previously he did not graduate with his class because he was doing cocaine and ecstacy. For three months he stayed clean and he took extra home study courses and summer school and managed to get his diploma. I enrolled him in college and he has a job. Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerYour son is an adult so you need to give him the freedom to live his own life, because you can't control what he does anyway, while at the same time holding him accountable for his actions, so if he makes poor decisions, he's held accountable. So for a start you need to make it clear that if he wants to continue living at home, he needs to pay his own way and make sure he pays you back whatever he owes you. Work out what he can afford and he then needs to pay you on a set time every month/two weeks or whatever, like one would have to do with any normal loan. Then you also need to make it clear that someone taking drugs is not welcome at home. So either he takes his sobriety a bit more seriously by making an effort to work his recovery, e.g. go to meetings, or he'll have to find somewhere else to live. Because your son can't always have in the back of his mind that if things go wrong or if 'I stuff up', Mom will be there to fall back on. He needs to start having to experience all the consequences that come with choosing to take drugs, not have Mom make it easy for him, because you're always bailing him out in one way or another. It's enabling him and while you continue to do that he'll never be sufficiently motivated to change. Then you write this all down into some form of contract, i.e. what your expectations are and what will happen if those are not met. Be specific. Add whatever you think is relevant, even include things like chores. Everyone signs it and he then knows exactly what will happen if he crosses those boundaries. Sure, your son may have had it hard with his Dad, but he can't keep using that as an excuse to take drugs/mess up his life. He needs to make the decision that he's not going to let what happened prevent him from realising his potential, and get help/go for counselling to deal with what happened. So it's important you start putting clear, firm boundaries in place, because not only will it be good for you, it will ultimately help your son too. Good Luck Return to Drug Alcohol Help Parents Q&A.
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