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Addiction Is Nothing More Than A Choice For People Who Are Weak

I wanna give my view on these clever sounding theories the so called ‘experts’ have about addiction like the idea that it’s a disease and people are powerless to control it blah, blah, blah. It’s total bullshit! My brother is a drug addict and that is a life he has chosen for himself - nothing more, nothing less - despite everything we’ve tried to do to help him.

We’ve bent over backwards to make sure he gets the best treatment (he’s been through rehab 3 times), bailed him out of jail a bunch of times, stood by him and supported him despite all the shit he’s caused (stealing, lying) ... and that’s not even the half of it.

My brother is a selfish, self-centred, ungrateful, dishonest and lying bastard. He thinks of no one else but himself. He doesn’t care who he hurts or how much damage he’s done, he just carries on regardless. He’s practically destroyed our mom, but that doesn’t seem to bother him.

The experts at these clinics tell us that he has a disease and he’s powerless to control it ... with all the rest of their clever sounding theories. It’s all crap! This is the life he has chosen for himself because he can’t be bothered making the effort to make something of himself. He’s always been lazy and this is just the easy way out for him.

I honestly don’t see how these expensive rehabs and so called experts make much of a difference. Look at how low their success rates are. Those people that beat addiction do so because they realise what they’re doing to themselves is ridiculous and so they sort themselves out. I’m sure they could do that without all these clever people passing on their clever sounding theories.

Bottom line is people get addicted because they’re weak and they don’t have the backbone to fight through tough times. My brother is just another one. I’ve stopped caring now one way or another. It’s time to cut him loose. It’s a life he’s chosen and that’s just the way it is.

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Addicts are the reason this world is in the shape it is. NEW
by: Anonymous

Simply, addicts are weak people, that get their way so they don't have to change. Cowards is what they are. Very manipulative people that think their entitled something the rest are not. Some type of entitlement that allows them to skate by high. They want to escape in any way they can, through a drug or whatever means is available. Their narrow minded people that don't like where they are in life or what has happened to them. Let me tell you something I was beat, I was abused, I was spit on when I was kid in every way imaginable. I lived my childhood in a trailer park surrounded by meth head's cooking dope. I lost so many people to drugs and alcohol it take a book to recall them all. Through overdoses and suicide. Honestly, I don't want them back in my life. They took their tole and their tole led them to be destructive drug addicts that beat and abused the one's they lived with. I got a sister who free bases that shit as much as she can. I got a mom that is a recovered intravenous meth addict that she a say the only thing that got her clean was prison. If you did away with smack they be addicted to something else. 90% of doctor's now days whether it's methadone doctor doing it for cash, or the one putting your kid on Ritalin it doesnt matter they are pushing poison on kids and adults. From the dealer pushing coke and brown to the drug dealer doctor pushing pure pills and the doctor is the dealer that sales pure shit. Medical grade Meth and oxy. The doctor is the real threat because they get away with getting their patient's hooked, they then can convince the system that their doing good. That's why the system is set up for failures, and drug addicts. It is designed this way. It won't change and its always been set up for drug addicts and alcoholics. There are more AA clases and clases for Methadone then there are places for moms and dad's to go that are sober!Simply! America is a rich place to live, with a bunch of spoiled ass brats running the show, adults do not do that. Drug addicts are overgrown children. They want to live comfortable high, not only should they be ashamed of themselves they need to realize how big of assholes they are, they need to realize how big of pisses of shit they are robbing, stealing, from people who try. Or just losers using every outlet they can. They are scum. Like the drug dealer they need to sit in prison until they rid their habit, before they hurt people around them. Apparently they are to weak minded and weak hearted to help themselves much less parent or Sober up. There needs to be a National Drug awareness Day strictly for people who overcome all odds or for Education purposes. The doctor's have said it's a disease so it must be a disease right? Grow up and say a prayer. Its No disease! It's called a substance abuse problem and nothing really more besides a horrible life choice.

Heroin is the Devils work. NEW
by: Anonymous

I just left my boyfriend of 10 yrs im still trying to get over the hurt and pain. His on heroin he loves it to much to stop,this is what hurts me he chose herion over me. He is weak and I dont see him ever recovering. Yes they are selfish and weak, and use all sorts of pathetic excusses. His a grown man in his bloody late 30's and is useless to society. He has destryed his family put his parents in debt ans stolen from them and me to get his fix. They dont care about anyone but themselves. They all use each other they have no loyal friends. They just use government funding for their habits, and that's the governments fault for supporting their habbit, good one!! Great system we have.

Best depiction of an addict NEW
by: Completely right

Long story short, i was addicted to heroin using 2 grams a day for years on end. During this time, i had and kept a job, while going to school full time. I was also able to keep it a secret from everyone close to me, and even started a business with no help while making 20 grand a month and even giving money to family to help them out. All addicts even myself are losers. But the difference is that the addicts who effect others have absolutely no discipline, are entitled babies, and are weak willed cowards. Ive researched addiction and rehab programs everyday for 8 years straight while i was clucked out, and its a joke. Its just another way to make an addict feel more enititled. An addict needs discipline not 12 steps. Seriously an addict will tell you that quitting was the hardest thing that they ever did, but if you look into their lives you will realize its because they havent done anything with their lives. And if you call being good at sports for a few years, or having good grades, or being a good musician or whatever briefly, "doing" something with your life your only kidding yourself. Only someone who is entitled praises themselves for being good at something which is merely a hobby. When i say doing something, i mean being disciplined enough to stick with something through the tough times. Sticking with whatever it may be long enough to have wisdom, and see real success instead of a 10 dollar trophy. When i quit using it was uncomfortable but not hard. Its not hard because all you do is nothing while detoxing. Graduating college which is much easier than starting a business was infinitely easier than quitting. Dont let all these people who call it a disease fool you. Society has fooled us making everyone think that a person who over came addiction actually did something that is commendable. Why? Because an addict got clean for himself? Its a joke. What i hate more is people who use their past as a crutch for addiction. I came from a home where i was abused daily in the worst ways, a lot worse than those addicts from intervention. I had every excuse to destroy myself, but logically it didnt make sense to selfdestruct. Human psychology is complex indeed, but lets face it, anyone who uses their past as a means to get high is doing so because they have no discipline and feel like they are entitled. Ill call it what it is, i got high because i was a loser and i enjoyed getting high. I got high because i lacked discipline and i was lazy. But what i didnt do was act a fool, lie, steal, whine, cry, or beg. I kept it to myself because i had only myself to blame. This is the truth about addiction. Addicts are lazy idiots, but addicts who cause pain to others and defend themselves are the true scum of life that deserve nothing else but to be dead.

by: Anonymous

Cut him loose, sometimes rock bottom is were people need to go before they change. Just don't disown him forever. God bless

To the original poster NEW
by: My name is Chris and I'm an alcoholic/addict

Dude, you need to find a meeting

Agree! NEW
by: Anonymous

The condescension exhibited by the those who continue to espouse the 'addiction is a disease' argument is truly loathsome. Please get educated?? Your brand of education consists of a complete disregard for personal responsibility and to undermine the suffering of those people who have to live in proximity to an addict. None of your science is concrete and your programs invariably reward these miscreants. Cookies and tokens for remaining clean? Hundreds of thousands of us have survived hardship, abuse and horrific childhoods to grow up without the crutches of alcohol or drugs. We toil in jobs to support our families, work to achieve higher education, give to charity and contribute to society.

nothing NEW
by: Anonymous


Harsh, but fair NEW
by: AB

I had an abusive, alcoholic parent, and must say I agree with the sentiments expressed in this blog. The whole AA, 12 Steps, let's-pretend-this-is-a-disease-rather-than-a-choice thing is just so much BS. I've never met an alcoholic who wasn't a selfish, entitled bastard first and foremost, and an alcoholic because of that character flaw.

Even in 'recovery', they're so deeply selfish that it staggers the imagination. Who but a self-indulgent alcoholic would dream of calling people from years in their past, just to make themselves feel better by spouting 'amends'. Such self-indulgent narcissism marks them out as nothing more than emotional vampires.

They try to dredge up the past with people who've moved on for one reason only - to make themselves feel better about being a shitty human being. Normal people could just turn themselves around, and perhaps donate in private to charity as a way of atoning for past wrongs if they were genuinely remorseful. Become a better human being maybe. Build new relationships perhaps. But no, everything these selfish morons do is a pantomime for effect. Doing good deeds in private wouldn't compute for them at all, because after all what would be the point if it didn't get some kind of recognition or reaction out of their victims that would make them feel better about their "disease"? Making "amends" is the exact same pathological, egocentric acting out as their past abusive behaviour, only at the other end of the scale.

Alcoholism is not a disease. Alcoholics are a disease. If you are one, and you want to make actual amends for the wrongs you've done, just jump off a building already. I guarantee that will do more for your past victims' peace of mind than a shitty, self-indulgent phonecall, or a self-indulgent letter reminding them of what they already know: that you are a terrible human being whose only two interests are the bottom of a bottle and yourself.

I almost killed the alcoholic parent that made my childhood a living nightmare. One day, as a yougn adult, I came home to find him terrorising my nieces and nephews in the same way as he'd done me as a child. He'd cut all the plugs off of electrical items in the house, and was wielding a knife at the family. By that time I was a black belt in karate, and in my early twenties. I kicked him in the head, once, hard, and knocked him out cold. He didn't wake for 20 minutes, and my mother said later he had a headache for three days afterwards. I'm certain to this day it caused permanent brain damage as he was never right again. Nor did he ever terrorise those kids again. Had I done time for that act, it'd have been time well spent. He never acted out in front of me again, and I broke contact with my family soon afterwards. I've no idea whether he's alive or dead now. I just know that if he ever belatedly gets his pathetic shit together he'd better be smart enough to stay away from me with his self-pitying bullshit, or I might just finish the job.

Accticts R weak NEW
by: Rae

Im a huge addict and when I use its cuz im weak and I want to. I know how to be and stay cleanI know where not to go and where to go to stay clean. Ur right, its a choice and thats it.

Free men have free will NEW
by: Anonymous

An addict has a choice - whether or not to use and abuse people, to steal, to mug old ladies, or even to kill themselves slowly with substance abuse. Albeit a very tough choice it's a choice. Terminally ill people don't have that choice. Addiction is purely an abdication of responsibility.
What? I hear you say. That's not a nice thing to say to someone who drags their friends and family through hell or beats their wife and children or steals the house keeping.

Half right NEW
by: Recovering

I get that ur angry. I've been on both sides. My father and uncle were both alcoholics and they literally drank themselves to death. I've been addicted to opiates. I didn't seem them out, nor did a friend offer me any. I was injured in the Marines and my back blew out. Cut to me 6 months later addicted to percs. Those of u who think we're weak sound like I did when my uncle and father kept drinking. Or when my mother gambles. Addiction is a gene ALL of us have. Some are more predisposed than others, but we all have the "switch" and once it's flipped, there's no going back. PLEASE read some reputable sites and peer reviewed materials on addiction. It's a complex illness and the only proven treatment is a 12 step program after detox.

by: Anonymous

I was a heroin addict for 14 years. Addiction is a disease and I can bet my life that your brother hates himself and what he's done more than u can imagine. I've been sober 11 years and it took over a year for me to stand myself and love. I can understand ur anger and frustration but u really can't understand what it is to be addicted and how u even gradually slip further and further away. He is in a haze and he is NOT even ur brother, plz believe me. But I would never say to just forget and forgive....if u need him out of ur life then u have to do it no matter how hard it is. I just hope u don't hate him. What he's done isn't right but it just means he desperately needs help. If it takes relapse after relapse, then so be it. But there is ALWAYS hope.

Totally agree
by: Anonymous

Citing addiction as a "genetic defect" or the like only allows the addict to feel that its not his/her fault. Bull - its totally their fault. Every single one of us has complete free will to choose whatever we do at any given moment. Choosing an addictive behavior is simply the manifestation of being weak and lazy.

It seems in our society lately no one is at "fault" for anything (unless they've made a lot of money doing something and can be sued for it, but thats a different story.) People are wholly responsible and culpable for their own actions. Choosing an addiction is simply being weak. End of story.

Education/not judgement
by: Steve Sherrick, BS, MA. LICDC

It's really sad to see so many people who are not educated about addiction. I agree in part. Once someone comes to realize theirs a mproblem, they are now responsible to do something about it. Not taking Insulin will kill you too if your a diabetic. Yes addicts are selfish and self centered. What else would you expect.

I would encourge you to get the RIGHT information before making judgements. My heart is for the addict that still suffers. America, EDUCATE yourselves, please

Some people are so stupid
by: Anonymous

How can the person commenting compare having cancer and being abandoned to being a drug addict.No one brings cancer on himself,but drug addicts do.They can stop,they choose not to.They can get help and they don't .They are weak.People who are truly sick,like cancer are strong people and fight to live.These drug addicts don't know how lucky they are as they can get well.It is in their control.Sick people do not have that choice.I cannot stand ignorant people.

Your right
by: Anonymous

I couldn't agree more! I struggled with drinking for 10 years, and I was a piece of shit loser! I had everyone I knew try to help me over the years but I kept drinking, lying, stealing, cheating and fucking up everyone around me too.
Every time I drank I had the opportunity to not drink. It was totally a choice I made. Then one day I had enough of being a burden and a drunk loser and I quit. It was 2 years ago I CHOSE to stop making stupid CHOICES! I hate when people make excuses for their addiction. My drinking was 100% my fault!

Totally agree
by: Anonymous

My father was a heroin addict. He abused me my whole life, and ripped my childhood away from me-- but he's the victim according to all these people who claim addiction is an illness like cancer!

Honestly, drug addicts are users in every sense of the word-they will use you in every way they can. My father stole from me, nodded off while driving with me in the car and could have killed me. He beat me and my mother and used the grocery money for smack.

Basically he was never man enough to be my father. He left me to my own devices at 16.

Drug addicts are cowards, people who don't want to grow up and just want to escape from life. And the rest of us pay for them.


by: Anonymous


I bet he never imagined he would one day be this way.
by: Anonymous

addiction starts long before the drug or alcohol is even consumed. Unfortunately it effects everyone it touches including you. Addiction embraces all those character defects you mentioned. You and your mother can get relief from groups like alanon and narcanon. As long as there is life there is hope. The question is, if you really want him to get help, will you be there for him when he needs you the most?

by: Anonymous

Your brother deserves much better than you. Maybe if you had cancer and eveone turned their back on you , then you would understand. Jeff

Deep Down.
by: Anonymous

Interesting points by the original poster. I had two addicts in my family and nothing the rest of the family did was enough. I think deep down, addicts don't feel inferior-they feel superior; that is why they never appreciate anything.

I agree and I am so sad.
by: Anonymous

I have to agree. I have a 19 year old son who is addicted to drugs. He was not raised this way, I always made sure I set a good example for him, brought him up with everything he needs to make the rite decisions, I educated him well, kept communication very open, live in a good place, etc. He has chosen this horrible way of life. I have tried to help him over and over and over again. We have done the re-hab, the meetings, the suboxone, the counseling, the hand holding,you namne it, I've done it. Nothing works. I took him to weekly counseling at 14 when I found out he was smoking pot ( I didnt' want it to ever go further so I thought I would nip this in the bud rite away), well 4 years later, he was doing Oxy. He still is, he lies, steals, lazy, highschool drop out etc. It is a choice and unless they choose not to do it, there is nothing anyone can do to change it. I am so sad and so frustrated.

Your anger helps no one
by: Anonymous

Your anger and the claims you make help no one. If these people didn't know what they were talking about then no one would have any chance of sobriety. The unfortunate reality of addiction is that those who recover are the one's that ultimately want to and therefore put in the necessary effort. Blaming those trying to help is just silly. Sorry about your brother, but your attitude now just does more harm than good.

Very Sad
by: C-P

I can totally understand your hurt and frustration. That is unfortunately what addiction can do to people - turn them into all the things you describe. I'm sure your 'real' brother is still down there somewhere, but unfortunately his 'addict self' has taken over. It's not a weakness - just think of it as a condition (if you don't want to think of it as a disease). The reality with addiction is that some go onto recover and others don't. Why some do and others don't no one can tell or predict. Don't lose hope that your brother could still be one of those that go onto recover. Yes it may be a good thing to use a tough love approach now, but despite everything your brother has done, he has the potential to change and overcome this. I really hope he does.

Sorry about your brother

I'm sorry to hear about your brother and I can understand why you're so angry and frustrated. I don't want to go into the whole disease debate now but I do want to comment about your idea that addiction is simply a weakness. You don't say what substance your brother is addicted to, but many are physically addictive so you can't actually function without them, which sounds like is the case with your brother. And then there's the psychological dependence side of it. That's why you can't control it no matter how hard you try. The one thing your brother is in control of however is taking the steps necessary and doing the work he needs to to work at his recovery, which sounds like he isn't doing. Until he's prepared to do that, then unfortunately nothing will change. So I can understand why you want to cut him off now, sounds like it may be the right thing to do. Maybe it will help you brother come around and start turning his life around. I hope so.

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