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Alcoholism a Disease? Absolutely!

As an alcoholic who is really struggling to stop drinking - it sure is making me sick. And I don't use it as an excuse for using; I'm responsible for my drinking - nobody ever forced me to pick up. But other people making negative judgements really make it so much harder in many ways. These include admitting the problem in the first place, seeking appropriate help, finding accurate information about the condition, being able to tell others that you have a problem . . . The list goes on.

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by: Cindie Sellars

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Fair Point
by: Anonymous

The stigma attached to being regarded as an alcoholic often keeps people drinking longer rather than asking for help. For many, alcoholism is something shameful and embarrassing to admit. So if regarding it as a disease help people acknowledge their problem sooner and get help for it, it's a good thing. But that doesn't mean an alcoholic can abstain from taking responsibility for their drinking. Because only once responsibility is taken, can change happen.

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