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Alcoholism as a Disease? Not Sure. The Key word is it's Progressive

by Karen

I am a recovering alcoholic. I have a problem with the disease concept as I think it is our AMA that likes to label any and everything a disease so it can profit from it.

I think, for me, as there is no history at all ever in my family for many generations that it was a choice. My problem is the compulsiveness and inability to stop. And over time, my body will then show symptoms of a disease as a result of the intake.

It is progressive. Over time. I choose to say it is a choice. Addiction. Which I have to take responsibility for and can therefore change. I can not stop so I have an addiction. I have the will to change. But it also not a matter of willpower once the problem of my drinking progressed. I passed that a long time ago.

I do not know if it is a disease or not. But to admit powerlessness for me is a dangerous thing. I choose to be proactive and responsible about my recovery as this works for me.


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Alcoholism is a disease NEW
by: Andrew

Alcoholism is a disease? I've never caught it and do Muslims catch it or develope it,if not why not,as it's a "disease". If it's a disease why hasn't anyone been born an alcoholic?
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I would say it's an illness NEW
by: Anonymous

I would say it's an illness. There are a lot of ailments that can benefit from outside intervention by way of life changes. Illness can be out of our control, however it doesn't need to be. Liquor addiction is similar to my homework for me

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Good Explanation
by: C-P

Hi Karen

I like what you say a lot. The fact that you by taking responsibility for your alcoholism you have the power to change. And that the only way to recovery successfully from an addiction is to be proactive about it. If you do those things - ultimately it doesn't matter whether or not alcoholism is a disease. Because either way - the only way to win the battle against an addiction is to do exactly as you have said - take responsibility and be proactive, i.e. take action

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