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Alcoholism is Not a Disease

Alcoholism is not a disease. It is a choice. It is only called a disease by people who now say this choice is out of their control.

But it once was and could be again. Check out Narconon if you want to see a way to have someone recover the ability to change their mind again.

What would this take exactly? How does a person forfeit their ability to decide this and how would you go about giving it back to them?

It's all there with these guys. Also, psychiatrists wish to promote the idea that it is a disease so they can say explain how difficult it is to help (since psychiatrists can't help much).

My Answer

I'm pretty sure the disease concept goes beyond what a bunch of psychiatrists decided and extends to the medical community at large.

Bottom line is that there is too much evidence today to dispute the fact that alcoholism is a disease.

Having said that though - I don't think it matters either way. Because ultimately the addict is responsible for admitting to their problem, getting the help they need, and then following a program to maintain continuous recovery.

When that is the realisation - disease or not - does it really matter?

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Nonsense - Alcoholism Most Certainly Is a Disease
by: Anonymous

All the medical evidence suggests that Alcoholism/Addiction today is a disease. Narconon has some interesting ideas - but their links to Scientology are worrying. Need to be more specific about their methods because this sounds more like a shameless plug - without the evidence.

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