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Alcoholism Self Help Continued and Self Help Drug Addiction Tips
Part II
The only effective method I truly know of to establish or re-establish a spiritual connection with the essence of who you are, is through silence. Now I dont mean silence in the sense of just not talking. But a silence at the very core of your being ... an inner silence that will allow you to connect with the very core of who you are - and the Universe around you.
And the only method that I know that will allow you to do this is meditation. I personally believe that meditation is the most powerful way to not only achieve spiritual meaning and connection, but to achieve long-term growth and positive change that will allow you to live your life with more meaning, peace, happiness and abundance.
Meditation is certainly no quick fix. But if done regularly with commitment, it will transform your life in ways you cant even begin to
imagine. Now I go into a fair amount of detail in my book Addiction Uncovered as to how to meditate because there are various methods
you can use so Im not going to repeat the how tos here.
I will say however that spending the time to find a method that works for you will pay off immeasurably in the long run. The only down side to using the more traditional methods is that sometimes it can feel frustrating because to get your mind into the peaceful and amazing states that meditation provides can take time.
So many people often end up giving it up without giving it enough of a chance. Ive been meditating for the last 5 years, but for the last year have found it difficult to just sit down and do it as they say. There are a number of reasons, but moving countries and feeling generally unsettled has played a large part in that.
Much to my amazement though, I recently stumbled upon a wonderful tool that Ive started using that essentially gets you into a meditative state without you having to do anything other than sit and listen to a CD. A bit like a lazy mans way to meditate, but with the same powerful results, and often achieved much quicker than you doing it yourself. Check out this powerful tool by clicking on the link. I think youll be pleasantly surprised.
So as an alcoholism self help and self help drug addiction tool - I think meditation should form the foundation on which you build your recovery. And with the technology I've recommended that takes the feeling of 'hard work' or 'too difficult' out of it for you - you've got no excuses!!
As it happens, if you use the resource I recommend above, a lot of mental and emotional issues will also automatically begin to resolve themselves. Stress, depression, anxiety, anger are all states that will become far easier to manage - and with enough practice of meditation, in time dissolve totally.
Thats not to say you wont ever feel those emotions. But they will become far less frequent and less intense. Meditation helps you to gain a far deeper awareness of yourself, and in turn allow you to let go of feelings and emotions that no longer serve you. It's something really diffiuclt to explain until you've experienced it for yourself. So test it for yourself and let me know how you get on.
Ive also recommended a few other techniques which Im not going to go over again here in my book Addiction Uncovered. So be sure to download that to find out about some techniques that have worked really well for me.
I think the physical side as part of the addiction and alcoholism self help message (and recovery in general) is often under-emphasized because feeling good physically and eating well, naturally has a huge impact on your emotional state. Because if youre feeling fit and healthy, youre likely to feel good about yourself - and therefore be less inclined to use or drink.
How you do that is up to you. I totally changed the way I eat because once I understood the link between how what we eat can affect us mentally and emotionally, I decided I wanted to give myself every possible chance to be and feel my best.
That doesnt mean I dont eat junk, but most of the time I try and eat food that is good for me. I think Patrick Holford has a lot of excellent information on Health and Nutrition, which you can find out more on at www.patrickholford.com His Optimum Nutrition Bible is a very good book. Get that if you can.
Obviously being fit helps tremendously as well because if youre fit, again you tend to feel better about yourself, and so that will help you stay off the drink and drugs. Regular exercise is something I struggle with as well it comes and gos if you know what I mean. But you always feel great once youve done it.
I just got back from a nice, brisk walk and I feel great. So I challenge you to go out there and do something ... anything. Walk, run, hike, swim, cycle, gym, do something and see how you feel afterwards.
Now Im not saying that eating right and getting exercise are going to ensure you stay off the alcohol and drugs. But you must remember that part of our addictive tendencies tie in strongly to our sense of self worth and how we feel about ourselves, which is usually not good.
So by meditating, getting healthy and strong mentally and physically, your sense of self worth and confidence wont help but improve and soon youll start feeling really good about yourself. And thats one of your biggest battles won in your recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Other alcoholism self help articles that might also be of interest are those which discuss the likelihood of an alcoholism cure being found, an interesting alternative alcoholism treatment idea, how alcoholism herbal treatments can support the treatment of addiction, and the role of vitamins in treating alcoholism.
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