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Are You or Someone You Love an Alcoholic?
This test should be used as a guide only. Your intuition and common sense will often mean you already know the answer. Remember to always seek professional medical advice before deciding on a course of action.
So If you feel you have a problem with alcohol, an alcohol addiction center like Narconon may be a good option for you.
Completing this Alcoholism Psychological Screening Test
To take the questionnaire, click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time.
Take the Quiz
Note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions.
Please check one response for each item.
About Scoring this Alcoholism Test Questionnaire
This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each 'yes' answer -- except for questions 1 and 4, where 1 point is allocated for each 'no' answer -- and totalling the responses.
So in other words, please score one point if you answered the following:
1) No
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5-22) Yes
(Note that this is the current revised version of the MAST; the original MAST included 25 questions and used a more complex scoring method.)
Your Alcoholism Test Score
0-2 = No Apparent Problem
3-5 = Early or Middle Problem Drinker
6+ = Problem Drinker
I have to say, this is a really good alcoholism test and will give you a pretty good idea where you or a loved one stand. Anything above 3 points and you should look to do something immediately. 3-5 points indicates you're pretty much showing Alcohol Abuse Symptoms and anything above 6 points full-blown alcoholism.
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Make use of the Ask the Expert Feature to ask your Drug or Alcohol Addiction related question. |
Tell Your Story! |
Unburden and Share How Alcoholism Or Drug Addiction has Affected You or someone you love. |
So to take effective action, equip yourself with the knowledge provided in the Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Alcohol Addiction Recovery sections of this site to develop the knowledge and understanding of how to overcome alcoholism successfully.
Another interesting topic is one that answers the question Am I an Alcoholic? - and the attitude you need to develop to successfully overcome alcoholism or addiction. Don't forget to also check out the Symptoms of Alcoholism area for further information on this topic.
Additional Alcoholism Self Test Information
One of the most widely used measures for assessing alcohol abuse, the MAST is a questionnaire designed to provide a rapid and effective screening for lifetime alcohol-related problems and alcoholism. The MAST alcoholism test has been productively used in a variety of settings with varied populations. For additional information, please see, for example:
Selzer, M.L. (1971) 'The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST): The quest for a new diagnostic instrument', American Journal of Psychiatry, 127:1653-1658.
Maisto, S.A., Connors, G.J. & Allen, J.P. (1995) 'Contrasting self-report screens for alcohol problems: A review', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(6):1510-1516.
Bradley, KA; Boyd-Wickizer, J; Powell, SH; Burman, ML. (1998) 'Alcohol screening questionnaires in women: A critical review', Journal of the American Medical Association 280(2): 166-171
Teitelbaum, L. & Mullen, B. (2000) 'Validity of the MAST in psychiatric settings: A META-analytic integration', Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61(2):254-261.
Hirata, E.S.; Almeida, O.P.; Funari, R.R.; Klein, E.L. (2001) 'Validity of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) for the Detection of Alcohol-Related Problems Among Male Geriatric Outpatients', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 9:30-34
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