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Alcoholism Will NEVER Meet the Criteria to be Labelled as a Disease!

by Carolyn Compton
(Port Richey, Fl.)

As a child, I grew up with an alcoholic, my father. What upsets me now more than anything is that with studies that have been done by psychiatrists and sociologists - they are now proclaiming and labeling alcoholism as a disease.

It is so far from the truth. It is NOT something a person is born with. It is in NO way in their genetic make-up. It is NOT through heredity or DNA. Of their own accord they decided to partake in going above and beyond in not being able to stop drinking.

The alcoholic knows in a sober state that it is wrong but continues to drink otherwise which creates broken homes, failed marriages, child abuse, crime and death to name a few.

I will NEVER be convinced otherwise and I want these doctors to stop labelling it as so and making it easy for the alcoholic to ease their conscience!

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It is NOT genetic nor is it an illness.
by: C Compton

From the comment posted to my original statement on alcoholism is not a disease, I completely disagree about the genetics. I just recently went through this in my Criminal Justice Course. I have read and researched additional information that there was no backing to the theories of either alcoholism being genetic ( tests done on family histories which included criminal and alcohol) as well as doctors testing the DNA of this being an illness or a disease. There is no way as a child of an alcoholic that you can convince me otherwise.

Medical Fraternity Say Otherwise
by: Anonymous

The medical community now acknowledge that the biggest cause of alcoholism and addiction is the genetic influence. Alcoholism is definitely hereditary - you can't dispute that. But yes alcoholics can't just hide behind some definition - they have to take responsibility for their condition and do what is necessary to receive proper help and treatment.

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