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Welcome to this Drug and Alcohol Addiction Q & A Forum and Ask the Expert Feature on alcoholism-and-drug-addiction-help.com. This is the place to have all your alcoholism or drug addiction related questions answered. Because there is no one correct or definitive answer for anything so it helps greatly to have differing viewpoints via a range of well-thought out and balanced set of answers. And ultimately this is a forum where we want to create a sense of community whereby everyone is involved and participates. The Forum has been divided into the following three categories for ease of use and reference. Most questions fall into one of these three categories - so when browsing you should more easily be able to find other questions you can identify with. Pick the section that most closely resembles your situation - and there'll you be able to submit your question and read answers to questions already asked. 1. The Drug and Alcohol Addiction Questions Area is for you if you're personally struggling with Alcoholism or Drug Addiction. 2. The Addiction and Alcoholism Effects on Family Area is the place to go if you're the husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or family member of someone who has got a drug or alcohol problem. 3. The Drug Alcohol Help Parents Section is where you go to submit your question if your son or daughter is struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Drug and Alcohol Addiction Q & A Forum Guidelines:
My hope for this drug and alcohol addiction Q & A forum is it for it to become a safe and encouraging community where we support each other in the fight against addiction. It would also be fantastic if you go on to tell your story on the Addiction and Alcoholism Stories page. Sharing and reading stories is something that truly binds us all together. May this turn into a place where we can all benefit and learn from each other. God Bless P.S. If your question doesn't fit into any of the above categories and is more general in nature, then use the form below to ask yours. What is Your Drug or Alcohol Addiction Related Question?If your question doesn't fall into one of the above 3 main categories and is more general in nature, this is the place to ask. Read the Drug and Alcohol Addiction Related Questions Other Visitors Have AskedClick below to see the questions with answers from other visitors to this page...
Binges, Blackouts and Anxiety!
What Can I Do To Open Lines Of Communication With an Alcoholic?
I Stopped "Hard Drugs" but Can't Stop Drinking
Am I Causing My Boyfriend to Drink Heavily?
Enabling a 28 Year Old Son?
My Partner's Sister Is an Alcoholic: How Do I Help Support Her Through This?
18 y.o. Son Stealing From Family, Possible Addiction. Kick Him Out?
Ex-Wife Addicted to Meth and Heroin
Do You Think My Sister is Addicted to Drugs?
Alcoholism or Drinking Problem?
How Does One Define An Alcoholic or Someone Who is Alcohol Dependent?
Is This A Normal Reaction to Alcohol?
My 76 Year Old Alcoholic Husband: I Don't Know What To Do?
Why Can't Addicts Move on from Previous Relationships?
What is Binge Drinking?
General Practioners and their Addicted Patients: Most Don't Have a Clue
What are the Percentages of Drug Addicts Who Relapse When They use Alcohol?
What is Drug Court? Can it work?
Is Addiction and Alcoholism Really a Disease?
Mom Is a Mean Alcoholic and I'm Pregnant |
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