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Help Me Help My Out of Control Alcoholic and Drug Addicted Brother
My brother is 24 years old and was just arrested for the 6th time for a alcohol related charge. He has had 2 public intoxications and was just arrested for his fourth DUI. This time he was in a accident and caused injuries. He was intoxicated and after rear ending a car, he fled the scene. Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerThe best way to help your brother now is to leave him in jail and sell his truck, so that the full consequences of his behavior can start to sink in. Because it's only once that happens and he starts to realise how serious what he's done actually is, will he start taking changing his life more seriously. No one can help your brother until he's ready to help himself. And he clearly hasn't reached that stage yet. So the consequences of his drinking, drug using and general out of control behavior have obviously not gotten bad enough for him yet, for him to want to change. It's sad that even though your brother hurt and injured other people, he's not prepared to man up for what he's done, and take responsibility. And until he does, he's never going to change. So you need to tell your mother she's doing the right thing by forcing him to be held accountable for his actions. He got himself in this mess - and it's not like it's the first time - so he has to face up to whatever the consequences, no matter how severe. And maybe you can have a serious heart to heart conversation with your brother and point out some hard truths, so that he actually starts looking 'inside' and gets honest about what he's become. Because until he gets honest and real about his alcoholism and addictions ... the way he's let himself and his family down ... the fact that he's injured and hurt other people - his life is just going to continue spiralling out of control. The fact that he's still alive is a blessing, so now he should face up to his punishment, learn from his mistakes, and do whatever is necessary to turn his life around in the long run. Help is available once he's ready to get serious about making the changes he needs to, but until he reaches that point, there isn't much anyone can do for him. Take Care
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