I'm in Love With a Heroin Addict.
I moved in with my boyfriend at the beginning of the year after dating for only a short period of time. His mother passed away a few years prior due to an alcohol addiction and since then he had been on a downward spiral; abusing drugs, not able to keep a job, home, etc. Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerUnfortunately the way you have handled things up until has enabled your boyfriend's heroin addiction - because you haven't let him experience the FULL consequences that come with the life of a drug addict. And in doing so it makes it harder for him to ever become sufficiently motivated enough to do the work that requires change. Don't confuse trying to provide a support system with trying to rescue someone who doesn't really want to be helped. His addiction isn't your responsibility - it's his - and it's up to him to take the steps necessary to overcome it. So whilst he might be saying the right things, which addicts are notoriously good at because manipulation is one of their strengths, don't take him on his word. He has to prove it to you through action - and taking the necessary steps to start turning his life around. So while you think this may sound overly harsh - you have to be clear, firm and put strong boundaries in place to handle this. It's not your job to help your boyfriend - he has to want to help himself - and the best way to do that would be to get into an inpatient rehab program. Non-negotiable. And you have to insist on that if he wants to remain a part of your life. Then you also have to make it clear that this is the final chance you're giving him - he goes for treatment, gets clean, and stays that way - or he's out of your life. Because if you don't, you're going to get messed around no end and he'll take advantage of your desire to want to help him. You're obviously inclined towards codependency, and if you don't recognise that and begin to address it, you're going to end up being taken advantage of and end up losing yourself totally in all this. So tread with caution and remember the key principles that you can't cure or control a drug addict. They have to want it for themselves and be prepared to put in the hard work to make it happen. You can't do it for them. Your intentions are no doubt good, but if you don't handle this right, you're going to end up with a huge amount of heart-ache and pain. You only have to read this story of another girl who was in love with a heroin addict and what it did to her. So look after yourself and take care.
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