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I've CHOSEN To be Sober for over 3 Years Now!!!! So No, Addiction is Not a Disease

by D. Erickson
(Minneapolis, MN. USA)

I have been an addict for half of my life. Every day I CHOSE to repeat that behavior regardless of the consequences. Although I strongly feel events in my childhood made it EASIER for me to turn to drugs and alcohol for escape - I have no one but myself to blame for repeatedly CHOOSING to partake in behavior in which I was fully aware of its potential for self destruction.

No one force feed me booze or drugs. This is no different than cigarette smoking. (It has been 5 months since my last cigarette). By claiming addiction is a disease, the addict is cleared from all responsibilities to stop their destructive behavior. Heck, just buy them a drink, give them a clean needle and a pack of smokes!! Addiction is no more of a disease than enabling is.

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do about it" ~Charles Swindoll~

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Alcoholism-Waiting for Liver Transplant
by: Anonymous

Hello Charles,

Wow!!! In my opinion you said it the way it is! I have actually said those very words to family members and other people as well. I, too, have been sober for a number of years. Almost 4 to be exact. I quit smoking 5 yrs ago, and it's amazing how you begin to see everything after your brain begins to get clean. I, too, had issues that quite possibly contributed to the beginning of my drinking, and it just snow balls from there. Before you know it, the alcohol is in control of you, not you in control of it. As far as it being an illness, I agree. I have said, "Nobody held a gun to my head and made me drink it!" I did what I did by choice, I would like to say that when you are actively drinking your judgement is definitely not what it is when you are sober. Alcohol controls you, until something happens that you get a grip on it and say that's it for me, i'm done with it. I am currently waiting for a liver transplant due to my drinking, and if I die before an organ is found for me then I have no one to blame but myself. Those are the cold hard facts of the matter!! I can tell you one thing, I sure do have a much greater appreciation for life and everything in it!!! Every day is truly a gift, and should be cherished. Family and loved ones are the ones that we hurt with our alcoholism, and becoming sober was a very humbling experience for me!Thank You for saying it the way it is. My husband is an alcoholic and I get tired of excuses and justifications!!! Accept responsibility for your actions. Needless to say, we will probably end up a divorce statistic. Enough said- Lori

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