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My Boyfriend of 5 years Has a Serious Drug Addiction (Even Resorting to Prostitution). Don't Know What Else To Do?
by AnonoMS.
My boyfriend is 31 years old and has a very bad addiction to street drugs - it seems like the only time he is clear headed is when he is locked up for a while. AnswerHi AnonoMS Your story is really heartbreaking and shows the ravages of drug addiction at its absolute worst. The thing is, you need to understand that your boyfriend's addiction is so strong and overpowering, he is powerless to control it. And because he's obviously using such highly physically addictive drugs - he can't function without them, and because his addiction is at such an advanced stage, he will go to any lengths to feed his habit, i.e. even prostituting himself. It's not that he enjoys it or enjoys hurting you in the way he does, but drugs are his absolute number one. They totally rule his life - and he'll do anything to get them because his addiction is so strong and overpowering. However, even though he is powerless to control his addiction, he can choose to do something about it, i.e. get proper help and treatment for his drug addiction - and then make sure he does everything he can to stay clean by working a proper addiction recovery program. But it doesn't seem like he's ready yet to want do something about his addiction - because that's the key - he has to want to do it for himself before he'll ever turn his life around. It usually takes someone reaching their absolute rock bottom to get to that point, but you would have thought in your boyfriend's case - having been through prison, contracted HIV etc. that he would have done so. But it's different for each person, and unfortunately some addicts just never get there and their addiction ends up killing them. The things you need to realise about your boyfriend's addiction are the three 'C's.' You didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it. What I think you do need to examine though is your tendency towards codependency in a relationship like this because to have put up with everything you have means you're obviously drawn to codependent relationships. So my suggestion to you is to surround yourself with people who understand what you're going through and who can support you in dealing with this. Nar-Anon (google them) is for family and loved one's of addicts, and Codependents Anonymous (codependents.org) is a fellowship for people whose purpose is to develop healthy relationships. I think you realise your whole situation could almost be described as insane - but that's the insanity of addiction and the ugly truth of how it can play out in real life. So please read what I've said carefully and follow my suggestions. Your life isn't going to get better simply hoping it will - you need to take some kind of action towards making it happen. Your boyfriend will do whatever he's going to do (remember you can't control that) - but you can control what you do. So I think it's time you start taking control of your life again, and hopefully in time your boyfriend will do the same. God Bless and Take Care
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