"My Brother is a Chronic Alcoholic. His Wife is His Chief Enabler.What Can Be Done to Save Him?"
by Adina K
My brother (who I love very much) is in his late 40's. He has been an alcoholic for approx. 25 yrs. Currently he is a part-time, anti-terror/law enforcement consultant,( he even admitted that he is on 'auto-pilot' when he currently gives lectures/presentations. I kid you not.) Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerIf there is no buy in from your brother's wife, it's difficult to see how you can do anything to help your brother. Because his wife ultimately carries the greatest influence and is the person that's got to be most supportive since she is with him every day. But if you really think he's a danger to his own health, you need to look at whether there are any kinds of ways to get your brother involuntarily admitted to an alcoholism rehab program. Some countries do have mechanisms that allow for that, and is something that can be court ordered. But again, if his wife doesn't support that, it's difficult to imagine how any court would agree to it. So you're going to have to find out whether that's something that is possible in Israel and how to go about initiating it. A reputable rehab centre should be able to tell you, so that would probably be a good place to start. Apart from that, there isn't a lot you can do. And even if you did manage to get your brother into the best rehab in the world, there are no guarantees he'll change. Because going through a treatment program is only a stepping stone to lasting recovery and sobriety - his success would be entirely dependent on his willingness to change and the amount of work he'd be prepared to put into doing so. That's why finding a recovery program to commit to is even more important than the treatment itself. Hopefully at the very least you can get your brother into treatment somehow, but the rest is then entirely in his hands. All the best
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