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My Daughter's Drug Abuse Is Progerssing! How Do I Get Her to Accept Treatment?
by Annie
Hi, My sixteen yr old daughter has ran away from home and living with other families for 4 months now. Originally she was still somewhat responsible still attending school and such. She was living with her boyfriend and his family ( not a good one) and has recently been kicked out of there for unknown reasons. Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerHi Annie, well there are two ways to go about it. One is use the direct, forceful approach, whereby you insist that she gets help for her drug abuse otherwise there will be severe and unpleasant consequences from your side. The fact that she's only 16 and still legally under your care, means that's something you should be able to enforce, with the help of the authorities if need be. Or if you want to use a softer approach to try and get through to her, so that she buys into the idea of getting professional help, you need to try and put yourself in her shoes, and communicate on a level that she'll be able to relate to. The fact that you also used drugs can become a talking point and is something you can talk to her about and is something she'll probably relate to. Find the common points. What was it like for you? What were the good and bad experiences you had when you were 16. This boyfriend of hers is obviously not a good influence - talk about boyfriends you had and one's that may not have been great. The more she can relate to you and feels like you're talking to her not only as a parent, but also a friend, means the more likely it is she'll listen to you and start taking your advice. Hopefully this is also just a phase for her, but if you really are concerned that she starts getting in over her head and that her drug abuse starts getting out of control, means you may have to use the approach where you give her no choice and get her into a program no matter what. But only you as her mother can decide what the best approach is to use. Parenting isn't an exact science, and at the end of the day all you can do is your best. Take Care Return to Drug Alcohol Help Parents Q&A.
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