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My Husband is Addicted to Meth. Should I Stand by Him or Divorce Him?

by Confused

He is now in jail for a week and will likely be there until he completes time served for his probation which is 11 months. We have a 2 year old and I am 3 months pregnant? Should I divorce him or stand by him?

I have had no contact with him and don't plan to. I refuse to take my children to visit at jail. I am getting a restraining order and going to serve him with divorce papers this week.


Only you can answer that question. What are the chances of him turning his life around, beating his drug addiction and becoming a good husband and father?

Ultimately you have to do what is best for you and your kids. And if you think in the long run starting over and providing yourselves with a better, more harmonious home environment is the way to go, then trust your instincts.

Having a healthy, mutually supportive relationship with a drug addict is almost impossible. Their priority is to feed their habit. And that brings lots of toxic and dysfunctional aspects to a relationship, which is even worse when there are children present.

Ultimately your husband has to live with the consequences of his drug addiction and take responsibility for the choices he has made. You are not obliged to stick by someone when all they do is bring heartache, disappointment and all sorts of other toxic elements into a relationship.

But again, its your decision to make. Be honest with yourself about what will be best for you and your kids in the long run. And if you feel divorce and starting over is the way to go, then follow your instincts.

Good Luck.

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Oct 21, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am currently separated from my meth addict husband. I believe in vows but if you read your Bible, it says God called us to live in peace. There is no peace with a drug addict! None! Yes, this reference was directly about marriage. Read it in Mathew. Live in peace!! God never intended you to be abused, neglected, or mistreated by your spouse. Love is one thing. Codependence is another.

Aug 14, 2011
Your marriage is based on faith
by: Anonymous

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things yet not seen. God hates divorce. Even though this world was sinful, awful, defiled, and hell-bound, God Almighty sent His Son in this world to save it. Even Jesus said to His disciples I call you friends because I'll die for you. This doesnt mean you need to be degraded, abused, or deny yourself. Pray for your husband. Allow God to work thru you and change your life for His good. If your the healthy person and your husband is sick. Its easier work with the health person first. Many of can easily see the effects or behaviors of others, but what cannot be seen is our hearts. Do we really have a heart of flesh. God wants to get our attention. And He will will allow many things to enter our path to get us on the right one. Most of them won't be easy but worthwhile. You married your husband because you love him. Love him enough to give your life totally to God and allow Him to work in and thru to even deliver your husband and family.

Aug 14, 2011
Vowels until or until death
by: Anonymous

When you took your vowels they weren't just a bout the man they were to God about the covenant you were making with Him. There are things you should allow, however. Boundries are healthy for you, him, and your children. Sometimes there needs to be separation, treatment, etc. Codependency is not the answer but total withdrawal isn't either. This is not just about him but you and God. Get in your Bible and let God teach you how to overcome and be the believer in your family. There is not nothing impossible for Him. However, time, patience, and perserverance will help you see the way. Have faith and build on it. Not your husband or your emotions. Only on God who sent His Son to die for our sins.

Apr 11, 2011
He's an addict- but in treatment
by: Anonymous

I have been married for 5 years to my best friend. I starting having doubts in the fall of last year- when he would spend hours in the garage with his new "friends"... His paychecks were disappearing until he just finally quit his job and became very paranoid. He ia emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically abusive. We have a three yr old together and she is my priority. I want her and myself to be safe. I cannot trust him anymore. I think he has been with other women and quite frankly I am not attracted to the man anymore due to what he has done to us. I know in my heart I should leave but his family says stick it out. But they don't have to live with the guy...

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