My Husband is Using Crack Cocaine
We've been married 5 years, and together for 6. We both have children. I noticed he would leave and go back to his home town, but stay only a week or so. Recently he has been leaving for months. AnswerYou need to read this piece on alcoholism effects on the family - because all the principles also apply to drug addiction and it will better help you understand what you're dealing with. The first thing you need to be careful of is not enabling your husband's addiction by sending him money etc. He may promise to use it for good reasons, but it will inevitably just go towards further feeding his drug habit. It's normal to want to help, but as you've come to realise all it unintentionally does is make the problem worse. You also need to insist that your husband gets proper treatment for his drug addiction by going to rehab. Because if you don't take a stand now and tell him you can no longer tolerate his behavior, your relationship will become more and more toxic until the point where you totally lose yourself as well. Look, you can't force your husband to change and if he doesn't really want to, whatever you say or do won't make much of a difference. But you can make it clear to him that you will no longer 'support' his addiction and that if he's serious about your marriage and being a good father to his children, he needs to get help. Do yourself a favour and also get to Naranon, a support group for spouses and family members of a loved one struggling with an addiction. It will help you better understand what your husband is going through and how you can deal with that. There is no easy or quick fix, but by surrounding yourself with good people (e.g. Naranon) and trying to get your husband the help he needs by starting to hold him accountable for his actions, things will get easier in time and work out as they're meant to. God Bless and Good Luck Return to Addiction and Alcoholism Effects on Family Questions Archive2.
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