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My Mother Gets Aggressive When She's Drunk. What Should I Do?

by Kaitlynne
(United States )

My mom is not exactly an alcoholic, but she drinks A LOT at once, and gets very drunk easily. When she's drunk, she would bang doors and yell at me. Sometimes, she would have some 'illusion' or weird thought of me not doing any school work.

When I was in 3rd grade, she punched me in the stomach twice because she thought I didn't want to study, but I did, just that it was always when she's not around. She would also throw things around. Before my sister turned 18 and moved to LA for college, she would get REALLY drunk almost everyday.

There was once, she kicked my sister down the stairs for no reason. My sister was often beaten by her at a young age, my mom kicked her face against the wall and kicked her body when she was 4. I know my dad gives her a lot of stress, every time he travels, she would get drunk the very night. I am so sick of this.

Whenever I talk to her about this, she would either change the subject or take it for granted, she never admits she was drunk, and would forget every hurtful thing she did to me and my sis. I am so sick of this. I am really afraid to even look at her when she's drunk, I'm tired of being scared of her and worrying whether she's gonna get drunk or not. What could I do? She is the only person I fear in my life. Answer

Hi Kaitlynne

You really need to speak to your Dad about this and get him involved - because trying to deal with your mother alone is too much for you to take on. Even get other family members involved, so that you don't feel like you're faced with this alone.

Someone who drinks like your mother and behaves in the way she does, has got a serious drinking problem and needs help. You may not think she is an alcoholic, but the way she behaves when drunk indicates otherwise, even if she doesn't drink every day. That's why it's important you get your Dad and other family members involved to address this.

Tell them exactly how she behaves and give examples of things she's done. Because only if they know will they be able to try and get her the help she needs. You shouldn't have to be scared of your mother, and its likely that only with professional help will she be able to change.

Get your sister to also tell them of the things she did to her, so that they really understand how serious the problem has been. I'm sure your mother loves you and wouldn't under normal circumstances want to hurt you - that's why it's so important your Dad/rest of the family get involved, because they need to try and make sure she gets the help she urgently needs.

Best of Luck and let us know what happens.

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you need help
by: steve

you are not alone but you need help to get through this,talk to your friends and your relatives or to your doctor and your dad although he may not want to understand because he will know the problem (trust me he will know), if he can face it himself is another thing,be as strong as you can be, its not easy just keep trying and if it is too much you have to leave, if you do go please make sure you are safe where you go because above everything its not your fault so you owe it to yourself to be ok and safe,you are not alone in this so many people have this happen but please remember in the end it is your life and you deserve better, talk to people and keep talking until you get something happening,people care you have to find the right person,I woud help but I am in Australia, keep trying and never give up, my father was like that it is dam hard but we are thinking of you xoxoxo

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