My Wife Is an Alcoholic, I Really Do Not Know What To Do?
by Gary
Me and my wife have been together about 3 and a half years. When we first got together I was unaware of the extent of her drinking problem. About 4 or so months into the relationship after some close monitoring I realized that she had been hiding wine boxes all over the house. AnswerHi Gary You need to get yourself Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict: How To Survive A Relationship With An Alcoholic or Drug Addict to really discover what it is you HAVE to do, that we can't unfortunately go into detail in here. What it boils down to is that your wife needs professional help, but more than just a doctor. She needs to be treated by Specialists that understand and work with alcoholism on a daily basis. These you would typically find at proper addiction treatment centers. Your wife is hesitant because she's scared, and that's normal. At least you've got her to admit to her problem, because that's usually the hardest part. Now it's taking it that step further to get her to agree to the right kind of professional help. Most treatment programs deal with dual-disorders like alcoholism and depression because they tend to go hand in hand. So that's especially why going through a proper treatment program can really help your wife. The hard part for you though is convincing her that's the way to go, and hopefully that's where the above-mentioned resource can help. But it boils down to striking a balance between making it clear you're supportive, but at the same time being firm, because if you continue to let your wife make excuses about why she isn't prepared to accept help, she'll simply continue doing so. So you're going to have to find the strength to take 'no' out of the equation. It's not easy, but it can be done. The best way to help your wife is to do everything possible to get her into treatment, even if it means saying/doing things she doesn't particularly like. Remember really loving someone sometimes means doing what you know is best for them, even if they don't particularly like it. Best of Luck
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