Treatment Options for Alcoholism and Withdrawal?by R.
I've finally admitted I'm an alcoholic. For almost exactly a year now I've been drinking between about 6-10 drinks every day, sometimes more, rarely less. Before I became a daily drinker a year ago, I was a weekend binge drinker for a couple years. AnswerThe extent to which a person goes through alcohol withdrawals varies from person to person. Some get it bad and experience a range of withdrawal symptoms, which in extreme cases can be potentially fatal. For others, after the first few days, they're okay. But you're right in thinking you shouldn't risk detoxing without proper medical supervision. One way of doing that is going to see your G.P. and owning up to your problem - and then asking him to book you into hospital for a few days so he can supervise your detox. And that shouldn't have too big an impact on your work situation because all you need is a basic medical certificate and no one at work would have to be any the wiser, because a basic detox doesn't usually last more than a few days, week at the most. Problem with this approach is that you don't deal with the underlying causes that led to your alcoholism in the first place. Maybe after you've detoxed you do manage to stay sober without any further help, but for most people a basic detox isn't enough. That's where going through an alcoholism treatment program, whether in-or-out patient at a rehab facility can help. They'll put you through a detox for however long is necessary, and then you'll go through their treatment program where you'll begin to address the underlying issues that led to your drinking problem in the first place. So of course this approach would be the recommended approach, but if you genuinely feel going through a 30 day program will jeopardise things at work, you could look into doing an out-patient program. Phone a few rehab's in your area and ask them about what options they offer. Many people also get sober with doing nothing more than working a recovery program like the 12 steps at AA. Sure you'd still ideally need to go through a detox first, but from there if you find a program and work it, amazing changes can happen without you necessarily having to see the inside of a rehab facility. So it's about knowing yourself and possibly trying a few different approaches if need be until you're comfortable you're on the right path. So good luck and hopefully these ideas prove to be useful.
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