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What's The Next Step In Beating My Addiction?

by L

I know I'm an addict (finally). I've managed to stay off of illegal things for two weeks now, but I can't quit smoking cigarettes and since I can't be high, I've been drinking during the day - something rather uncharacteristic for me.

I'm still functional. I still go to work, school, have a social life. But I've been bouncing from one addiction to another since I was 15. I've been seeing a therapist, and going to NA meetings. I have nerve damage, something weird is going on with my brain (elevated pressure) and my therapist is concerned that because I don't have support at home- mom started me on the drugs, and is an addict in hardcore denial- I'm going to end up dead.

She said I should seriously consider rehab. I don't think I'll end up dead, but isn't that what everyone says? I half heartedly tried to bring it up with mom. She was not receptive. I'm still in college, so there's no way I can pay for help myself. I'm not even sure if I need it. I feel like with time I could get myself clean. It'll just take a lot of time. Maybe its impossible and I'm deluding myself.

So what's the next step? Where do I go from here?


Hi L

You've taken a massive first step - that is acknowledging your addiction. Now the next critical step becomes what you do about it ...

Sure you could attempt to beat it yourself - but why would you? The odds of beating an addiction by yourself are quite low - since there is a lot that needs to happen if you're going to recover successfully, i.e. deep and fundamental mental, emotional and physical changes need to take place to successfully overcome an addiction.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab is always a good starting point because it gives experts who know how to effectively treat addiction, the opportunity to teach you and help you start the journey of lasting sobriety. And not all rehabs are expensive and require a lot of money. There's a number you can call and they can help you find a treatment program that fits you needs and budget - give them a call - (888) 842 3167. Their website is

But understand too that going through a formal treatment program/rehab is only the first step. Having a proper recovery program to continue with is also just as important. And that's why programs like NA and AA are so powerful. Work the steps and they'll help you stay clean. I know lots of people that have overcome serious addictions without ever going to rehab, simply by going to regular meetings and working the steps.

So if you're serious about getting clean you will. Make an effort to get to rehab, but if that's impossible - find yourself an excellent sponsor, go to lots of meetings and get serious about working those steps (which you should do anyway even if you do go to rehab). Do that and your life will change - no question.

Good Luck and Take Care

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Find a Program
by: Anonymous

Most people that achieve lasting sobriety and manage to not only stay clean, but find a sense of peace and happiness - do so with the help of some kind of program. That may start with a formal treatment/rehab program and then progresses onto an ongoing recovery program, whether it be 12-step based or something else. Because overcoming an addiction isn't simply about a one-off thing that you do. It takes ongoing effort and commitment to change and personal growth if it's going to last. So try find a program that works for you, and then stick with it. That way you'll achieve lasting and permanent change which will mean you'll hardly end up recognising the person you are today.

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