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Why is Rehab so Expensive? I Want Help but Can't Afford it. Is There any Hope?

by Halie

I've had an addiction to the painkiller vicodin for over 5 years now. I'm only 27 and I'm 5'2" and 100lbs with a 20 pill a day habit. My liver is slowly deteriorating and I have no health insurance.

I cannot work and have a little bit of money ... able to support my addiction ... But not $3000 a day for a rehab program. Here in Texas there are no free or low cost programs. You would think that with all the taxes paid and all the government programs for the under-privileged that there would be some sort of financial aid or low cost rehabilitation for drug addicts.

I feel like because of the ridiculous cost of help I'll never be able to recover from my addiction and end up dead before I'm 30. I want help but don't know where to turn. I have tried so many times to quit on my own ... Tapering... Cold turkey...

But the withdrawals are so bad that I end up in the ER everytime and the doctor says that in order for me to take a drug like suboxone I have to go without pills for more than 24 hours or it will have a reverse effect and induce withdrawals rather than prevent it and for me that's not doable.

I haven't been over 12 hours without pills in 2 years. I have an appointment with a drug therapist next week and I'm hoping she can help but I'm not getting my hopes up. Any suggestions?


Hi Halie

There is always hope, so whatever you do never stop believing that you'll find a way if you're determined to end the cycle of your addiction. Seeing that drug therapist is an excellent place to start and I'm sure he/she will be able to offer some useful suggestions.

Then, Treatment USA have a number you can call (888) 842-3167 - and they will try and help you find a suitable drug rehab program taking into account the fact that you don't have insurance and very little money. Phone them, explain your situation and see what they can come up with.

SAMHSA - (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration by the US Department of Health and Services) - also have a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator website which you can use, specifying various criteria like whether you've got insurance and ability to pay etc. Check it out here.

A good friend of this website, Greg A, who also lives in Texas recommends Valley Hope, and says they'll consider people that can't afford much if they can accommodate them and areprovided sufficient motivation. So something also worth doing is contacting as many treatment centers/rehabs as you can, explain your position, and ask if they don't sponsor one or two places for people in your position who really can't afford treatment.

Keep knocking and sooner or later a door will open for you. So there are a few different suggestions to help you get started. Keep believing and you'll find something. Never give up and never lose hope. You can get through this.

Getting yourself to a local NA meeting could also be a huge help because someone there will I'm sure be able to recommend a treatment program that will suit your circumstances. Remember where there's a will, there's always a way. If you keep at it I have no doubt you'll find something.

Good Luck and God Bless.

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Don't know what to do for our son!..
by: Anonymous

I also have been shocked at the price of re-hab! Our sons addiction started with Vicodin in H.S. but soon went on to popping then smoking Oxycontin. When we found out we immediately took him to our family doctor. He tried helping by sending him to a specialist who prescribed him saboxone. By the way the specialist only took cash! (exploiting?) In my opinion this only made his tollerance higher than it was previously.
I don't believe Saboxone is an answer except for severe heroin use. My son now gets RX from a pain specialist and injects his meds every 2 hours (no the MD doesn't know this). My son doesn't work or do anything but wait until his next dose... I'm beyond depressed and don't know what to do. My husband is the only one working and we have no savings/no credit card. We can't afford a re-hab hospital and are most likey "dumb" to be paying these doctors who keep him addicted. RX run about $150. a month but no where near the $2-6,000. per month re-hab hospitals cost... Please help!

Been there and 5 months sober now
by: Anonymous

I was living in a tent in Hawaii.....addicted to 30 Vicodin a day, Meth, Marijuana, Oxy's and alcohol. I finally came to the point that I was done living the life I was....I couldn't get away from the drugs and alcohol and not able to enter into government treatment as I am a Canadian. I had no money to fly to my country and was done....completly done with my I figured I may as well kill myself. I spent 15 hours sitting in my tent debating on if I should slit my wrists or drown myself. I finally picked up the phone and called my Mom. From that point on all the doors started to open in my life that lead me to being able to recover. I got on a plane that friend set-up my parents to pay and life has only gotten better since. It has been a constant struggle and a lot of work but I have now been clean of ANY drug since December 12th, 2010.

I am soo there...
by: Anonymous

I've been addicted to oxycontin (opiods, vicodin too, like you.. percocet..ect) for almost 4 years. I know exactly what your going through. I too have not gone more than 12 hours without something in over 2 maybe even 3 years. I'm kind of asking myself the same question right now. I suppose this is more of a "i feel for you" than a suggestion, because i'm trying to figure out how to come clean to my parents and ask for help.. :( Even though I don't know you, I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Do you believe in jesus?? Just a question.. i'm hoping to turn my life around here real soon and leave my boyfriend (same exact situation as me-addict-same stuff) and figure everything out but my problem is more of knowing i don't have the strength (or financial means like you) on my own... I wish you the very best. Know that many people love you and care about you slowly killing yourself. .

Keep Believing
by: Anonymous

There is always hope. It's something n one can take away from you unless you let them. Make those calls, speak to whoever you can that may be able to help - and you'll find a door opens for you. Always does if you never give up. NA is also definitely a very good idea. Loads of people there you'll be able to relate to and who can give advice on appropriate treatment centers in your area. God Bless

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